Sunday, November 2, 2014

Review Allen Sports Premier 3-Bike Spare Tire Rack, Nice Rack But Pricey

A couple of days ago. I search for information on the Allen Sports Premier 3-Bike Spare Tire Rack, so i would like to describe here.

Allen Sports Premier 3-Bike Spare Tire

Allen's new Premier line of trunk and spare tire mounted carriers deliver all of the ease of use of our patented quick-set up design along with our new dual compound tie-down cradles to fully secure and protect your bicycles. Our new wide profile snap on feet (except on our spare tire model) help to fully distribute the load of your bicycles on your vehicle. Allen's Premier series .... Read more or Check Price

Customer Reviews Purchased this product

You have a new Wrangler smoothly. This was perfect. He wanted to make sure that the bikes have had no opportunity to put a ding in the truck This worked great. by Steven Neuf

For those with a spare wheel of the vehicle this leads bike using the tire as a stopover point in order to mount the bicycle on the back of SUV. by Canis Majoris

I use it on my 2003 Honda CRV and I am very satisfied. It fits over the spare wheel which is mounted on the back of my CRV. by V. Hutson

Very nice bike rack. Easy to set up and load. It fits well on my trip. May contain adult bikes and kids bikes without problems. by jt


  1. Allen's new Premier line of trunk and spare tire mounted carriers ...

  2. Allen's new Premier line of trunk and spare tire mounted carriers deliver all of the ease of use of our patented quick-set up design along with ...


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